10 tips for digital marketing sales strategy

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Digital Marketing plays a very crucial role in the marketing strategy of your company. Digital marketing has made marketing easier as well as difficult. Anyone willing to spend time and work strategically, can themselves run a proper digital marketing campaign, but at the same time, this has resulted in increasing the competition in every business. Some techniques work fine, and techniques that may not go well with your customers. There are things you have to give importance to, at the same time there are things you can neglect if not necessary. In this article, we share with you 10 tips you have to keep in mind when running any digital marketing campaign.

Note: This article mentions only a few tips you need for your digital marketing campaign. For a detailed article on how to run a proper digital marketing campaign click here.
Selecting Domain

The domain name of your website is the online address of your company or product. so selecting the name of the domain should be given enough importance. Few things to look into when taking a domain is listed below

Build your website wisely

Website of your company should be designed with the purpose of your website in mind. Here are few things you have to look into when designing your website

  • Look and feel of your website is important – The color pattern, the graphics used, etc. should not be in such a way that the customers feel awkward about.
  • Try to keep things minimal – Customers visit your website to get a service or a product. They have a specific target. So design your website with those specific targets
  • Make your website fast – Try to avoid unnecessary graphics and other elements on your website to reduce the loading time of your website.
Mobile-friendly Website

Smartphones have revolutionized the Internet world such that, more people use the Internet via mobile phones than a computer or a laptop. When creating a website for your business, make sure that the website is mobile phone compatible. Google suggests that creating a Responsive website gives a better result than creating a desktop version and a mobile version of your website.

Responsive website: Websites optimized for viewing on different devices.
Search Engine Optimization
SEO in every manner is the most important thing in digital marketing. Understanding Google algorithms, analytic tools, SEO concepts aren’t easy. But, these are skills that you can learn and can have a better grasp when you work in those. if you think you do not have time to spend on learning these and practicing. It’s always suggested to have an expert in managing SEO.
Investing in pay per click (PPC)

There are different pay per click platforms, Google Ads is one such platform. Before investing in a PPC platform, learn about the platform before investing. Another most important thing to keep in mind when using any PPC platform is, start slow and grow profitably.

This is the most common mistake everyone new to this field makes. Do not invest all your money into it a single basket. Start with slow investments, analyze the result of your investment, optimize campaigns, make changes if required, gain profit from those and then increase your budget.

Selecting social network

There are 1000s of social media platforms available, and at least 20 of them that are pretty much popular. Imagine trying to build your company name and profile in all these 20 networks at the same time. It is going to be a hectic task and that is not going to give you proper results. Different social media are used by different categories of people for different uses. The things to note when selecting your social media platform is mentioned below.

  • Identify your potential customer base
  • Identify the social media platform these categories of people commonly use
  • Identify the business potential and social media that can relate to your business
  • Concentrate only on those platforms in the beginning and once you have reached certain goals, then move to other platforms.
Social media profile and business promotion

Social media, even though it is considered to be the best place to gain followers or brand creation, it’s not a business place. People follow you only for the contents of your page, whether it’s engaging or entertaining for them is the prime factor involved.

Followers and likes do matter, but an infinite number of followers, both fake or not regarding your business will not be doing good to you in the long run.

When promoting your business in social media or when promoting your profile, do keep this in mind. Spend wisely and effectively on people who matter.

Good and Original content

Trolls, Viral videos, etc. are all part of the social media campaigns. They help you in keeping people engaged to your page or profiles. But do they help your business?
Content plays a huge part in marketing and you need a lot of them. But if you aren’t creating original quality content, you cannot win the competition.
Create publish and promote good quality content to make it visible to remain visible in social media.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is still the best way to generate potential customers. With the rise of social media images, videos or audios plays a huge role in marketing. But the ROI they generate is still not comparable to a proper email marketing campaign. Email allows you to directly approach quality customers. Anyone who would have subscribed to your email or newsletter will be someone who thinks you have a solution to some of their problems.

Do not Forget Call to Action

All your digital marketing strategies are to create regular customers for your business. What if you do all the things to gain their attention and do not tell them what to do? The result would be a huge loss.
Call to Action is the final part of marketing. Once you have gained the attention of your potential customers, Closing the business happens in your Call to action statement. Make sure you have a proper call to action statement, both catchy, realistic and tempting.