How to create a brand story

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Everyone has a story to tell. It may be a success story of a brand, how you started the business, about a product, even about a customer who changed your business.

Stories are important because it gives a feeling of sentiments about your business to your customer or to your employees.

As the number of companies investing in digital advertising is increasing, the number of advertising people watch a day also increases. Which makes it difficult to gather the attention of users using ads.

Advertisers today are exploring different approaches and possibilities to break into the customers. Keeping the customers engaged and interested are the best ways to do it. What if it can be done with a sense of sentiments and making a feeling of ‘one among us’ among customers. Making a compelling brand story is the current trend in getting this done.

This article is about how to make a compelling brand story.

Be human

The most important factor in doing a brand story is to increase the credibility of your brand. Imagine losing this trust forever once your story is out.

Customers are smarter and can differentiate a fake story from a real one. While doing a brand story, the story should be representing your business. What you do, How you do, Why you exist in this business industry, etc. should be written with having a clear idea about your business.

Lack of authenticity usually occurs when not properly assessing your company and finding out or knowing what your company is.

Placing a human touch in your story development and can also help in getting deeper into the minds of the reader. Readers can easily picturise your story and this helps in creating sentiments towards your brand or product.

Imagine your brand being a human. How would people describe your brand as a human? Try to create a brand persona by thinking about how you want your potential customers to describe you. Maintain this persona al throughout your story and conversations.

Identify your audience

You can tell a story or you can tell a good story!

It’s not you who decide whether your story is a good story. Users are your audiences and judges. In order to impress them, you will have to connect your story with them.

Audiences vary with businesses. Demography of audiences, Age, Sex, Education, everything varies for different businesses. Identifying your audience group for the key point in getting your story or business to great heights.

Some brands even had to make changes in their story to appeal to a wider audience. Make a clear idea about who your customer will be and plan your story accordingly.

Longer the Better

Time for which we can grab the attention of users varies for different kinds of content. You will have to convey your idea in the most effective manner in the least time when making content.

What makes a brand story different, stories are made to create a long-standing impression among your followers. Stories should be elaborate that it can create a neural connection between your company and readers. Even though it can take a few thousand words, try to make it as simple as possible.

When going for a story based advertisement for your product sticking on to specific length content can make it more appealing to your audience.

The pattern of the story can be
  • Identifying the problem
  • Finding solution
  • Execution, advertising, and business
  • Success

These steps can be explained in the most simple and detailed manner to make an impression among your customers.

call to action

Why to create a brand story

Per Steve Geick, a senior digital specialist at Metric Digital says brands should embed their stories in every single asset.

“Leave no doubt in people’s minds what your story is and how they play a part in it,” he said. “Remember, it’s not about getting people to join you, it’s about using your story to join the customer’s life.”

Bob Clary of DevelopIntelligence leaves us a message that no company should ever push a product into the current market without a story around it.

“Every unit must fully assimilate it and live by its core message before the story itself becomes part of the corporate identity,”

“The story, then, can’t simply be confined into the “About Us” section of the website. It needs to directly or indirectly permeate every piece of content, promotional message, email outreach, interview, and conversation with a customer.”

The end of the target for any company is to eventually make people tell the story of your company for you. Some huge successful organizations have even gone a step further and used movies, the biggest storytelling source to achieve this target.

That’s the importance of a story that can bring into the narrative, trust, and business of your company.

Find what your company stands for, how your company started from the beginning, what made you who you are today, the Culture and values of your company. Turn these into a Compelling story that can synchronize and neural couple your audiences.