How to achieve the social media goals via digital marketing

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When it comes to online marketing everybody is trying to break the internet. It’s easy to understand why. Social media has made it possible to instantly communicate with millions of people with a tap of a smartphone. Standing out on social media is tough. Going viral is not an easy strategy.
A recent survey of how businesses use social media shows that most companies focus on things like brand awareness, brand reputation, community engagement and market insight.
Social media goal is a statement about what you want to gain with your marketing activity. The goal can be anything from a single ad buy, or you can develop social media campaign goals.
Even though both are important, a social media goal cannot be taken like a social media strategy. You can assume social media goals as the building blocks for your social media strategy.
Building a social media goal does not need to be complicated, but it does assist you to have a structure to guide you. Establish goals that get you where you want to be by making them SMART, which are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.
The social media goals you set should always reflect your organisation’s particular requirements. However, many goals can be applicable to almost any social media campaign.

The following methods will help you frame your work in concrete, actionable terms.


As the name implies reach is how many people are aware of your brand and messaging on social media. It can be broken down into

  • How many followers you have.
  • How many people see your content in their news feed, otherwise known as Impressions
  • How many people are talking about your brand on social media
  • Share of voice which means how these numbers compare to your direct competitors


Engagement means that people are not just aware of your content on social media, but are interacting with. They can do that by

  • Liking your project
  • Commenting on your posts
  • Sharing your content
  • Leaving ratings and reviews

These methods indicate that people are engaged with your content enough to respond to it, hopefully in a positive manner. Accumulating lots of likes, comments and shares will contribute to more overall reach which will in turn increase your engagement.

Develop brand awareness

Developing brand awareness means expanding the number of people who are aware of your brand.

In situations like launching a new product or breaking into a new market this goal is the best. It is not difficult to make people more aware of your brand. But brand awareness is often the first step to bigger things.

You will be able to range brand awareness with specific metrics like

  • Post reach: since it went live, how many people have seen a post.
  • Audience growth rate: the rate at which you are achieving followers over time.
  • Potential reach: the number of people who could, realistically, see a post during a reporting period.

Control brand reputation

One of the most valuable commodities is trust in your brand which you can generate with your social media marketing. Goals to manage your brand reputation focus to influence your public’s attitudes about you.

Brand reputation metrics are similar to those of brand awareness. You will have to track brand mentions and relevant hashtags on social media.

Many tools are also available for performing social media sentiment analysis. The work of these tools is to measure what precisely those mentions are saying about you.

Deliver customer service

Your social presence is not just about exciting new customers. It’s also a platform to keep the customers you already have. Goals to enhance customer service on social media can take on in different forms which includes:

  • Set up a new customer support channel on social media
  • Reduce wait times
  • Boost customer satisfaction

By pursuing the right goals on social media, tracking your efforts using the right method, you will soon see results that your business can bank on. By following the advice in these social media marketing goals, you’ll be on your exact way to make SMART social media goals. But if you did not succeed, a SMART goal assists you to learn from your mistakes.