Brand development strategies

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“A brand is not what you say it is, it’s what they say it is”

– Marty Neumeier

What is brand strategy? “Brand strategy is a long term plan for what a bran will build its reputation n on the method they’ll use to build it”

Building a brand is not just about logo’s colours or fonts, it’s about influencing the perceptions of the audience to make a business more appealing. The only way to do that successfully is by developing a brand strategy. Today audiences want to feel connected to their brands and if they can’t get that from your brand they will get it from another brand. If you want to build strategies that connect then this article will show you how.

Brand development strategies
Develop Your Brand’s Message

For many different things, a business, service, or product can be used. But, it will always be your company’s message that is finally going to stick with the consumer.

To understand what your brand’s message is, ask these questions to yourself:

  • Is your message client-focused?
  • In the next 10 years, where do you see the brand?
  • Writing long-form content because it ranks better is a myth
  • How is it unique?
  • Create Your Brand’s Identity

Create Your Brand’s Identity

Every observable factor that references your business should be considered a part of your brand’s identity. It has a very important role along with your brand’s message and brand awareness strategy to develop a powerful brand image.

Your identity is not just your brand’s name and logo. There are many elements that make up your brand identity like:

  • Your reputation with your own employees
  • How inclusive your business is
  • Your consistent tone and voice
  • Your company values

Creating Brand Awareness

It is not possible to reach many customers if people aren’t aware that your brand exists. So the requirement to create and develop your brand strategy is crucial.

One best way to build a brand is to make use of influencer marketing. It is relatively a new method of marketing. It is amazing as it gets influencers to promote your products to their highly engaged audience, an audience that trusts them and is fascinated in what they have to say.

  • Your reputation with your own employees
  • How inclusive your business is
  • Your consistent tone and voice
  • Your company values

Product Line Extension

This is the process of introducing a new product. The new addition is within the same category or product line that the company already triggers in. As a result, this is targeting an operating market by utilising the existing brand name.

This is one of the popular approaches in marketing. The company can leverage the existing brand acceptance to extend the product with changes, which is likely to be well approved by loyal customers.

This approach is often used by big retail brands, where variations of many factors have some appeal with the marketplace.

Multi-Brand Approach

A variation from the product line extension approach is to function a multiple brand strategy within the same market. This is to have more than one brand competing in the same product category. Huge companies often employ this strategy to crowd the market and earn a sizable competitive advantage.

This is usually done to address various market segments for the same product. Alongside, having different positioning in the market, it also minimises opportunities for competitors to enter the market.

The drawback of the multi brand strategy is the cost and time of creating a new brand name that will catch on with customers.

Brand Extension

This strategy involves extending the brand’s reach and target markets. The company exhibits products from an entirely different niche or type under the same brand.

Brand extensions should be thoroughly planned and examined, as the market may not understand the brand’s expertise in another product category. As a result, brand extensions can be progressively done by entering new product categories that have at least one commonality with the brand’s existing products.


This is a method becoming highly common in our influencer-inspired world. It ensues as a joint product launch by two or more distinct brands, providing new news to the users of each entity.

All stellar brands like Yeezy and Adidas, GoPro and Red Bull, and Apple and Mastercard on their own, have leveraged each other and collaboratively grown their market share and revenue.

Brand licensing

You don’t have to create or even oversee the private labelling of products with brand licensing in order to grow your brand. All you have to do is lease or rent the rights to use your brand assets to other companies. This often occurs in the film industry.

These are some of the few effective strategies for you. Good luck with your branding.