Benefits of SEO VS. Other marketing strategies

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An SEO strategy is that part which focuses continuously on bringing organic traffic to your website. SEO best caters to optimising web pages and link building from other websites back to the main business website.

Search engine optimization is the building block to increasing website traffic, knowing consumer demands, and building trust cost-effectively. It is an important factor of any digital marketing strategy. It is known that 93% of online experiences start with a search engine

SEO v/s Digital marketing
Strategies of SEO

There are three main commonly used strategies of SEO that contribute together to generate free organic traffic.

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    On-page SEO

    This type of SEO strategy highlights optimising website content. Focusing on keywords with thorough keyword research for your business niche supports in developing or refurbishing content that is necessary to the target audience. These keywords are found in particular sections like headers, meta descriptions, content body, URLs, etc…

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    Off-page SEO

    An off-page SEO strategy is used to earn traction externally from other websites. It basically spins around link building where other sites publish content referring to your web page. Making use of external links builds authority and it is an important ranking.

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    Technical SEO

    Technical SEO tackles by improving the user’s experience with a website. While some web pages take a long time to load, the website opens up fine on desktop but is not mobile-responsive or the website is hard to navigate, this SEO strategy is essential.

    Apart from these three main SEO strategies, there are some more that fall under the extent of SEO marketing.

    Voice Search SEO – this type of SEO strategy is getting popular. With the development of Google Home and Alexa users started using voice search on smart devices.

    Enterprise SEO – This strategy is important for large scale enterprise websites and not ideal for a small business.

Strategies of Digital Marketing

Most used digital marketing strategies include the following.

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    Mobile Marketing

    Making use of a combination of marketing messages on social media, SMS, and other mobile apps.

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    Social Media Marketing

    Interacting with the target audience on appropriate social media channels, communicating with them, solving customer queries, developing customer loyalty, etc to gain likes and shares.

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    Affiliate Marketing

    This is a type of commission-based marketing that works externally from the business and influences customers to buy products or services.

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    Influencer Marketing

    This is a type of strategy to promote the product or service by collaborating with influencers.

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    Email Marketing

    To remain connected with existing and potential consumers by personalising communication.

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    Offline Marketing

    Using paid offline channels like television, radio and magazines to convert offline users to online.


These are some of the benefits PPC:

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    Visual product ads.

    When you sell a product, Google offers the option of visual shopping ads (Product Listing Ads, or PLAs) that can support a user see what they will be clicking on. This type of ad can really enhance the click-through rate by providing a feature not available in organic search.

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    Brand visibility

    Running paid search advertisements gets you seen by the appropriate people. Even if they go backward and conduct a brand search before clicking to your site, that visibility will pay dividends to your marketing.

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    PPC enables for a tight control of budget. Decide how much you are going to spend per day (ideally with some initial and ideal ideas of returns), and determine that fixed limit.

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    Developing good organic visibility can take time, while a PPC campaign can be developed within days and ramped up in weeks. There is no other quick way to get in front of customers at the very moment they are primed to buy than paid search engine advertising.

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    PPC offers a laser-targeted method to get in front of potential customers. Ads can be chosen by search keywords, day of the week, time of day, geography, language, device and audiences depending upon previous visits. Organic traffic, by comparison, is far more scattershot.

Integrating SEO and other marketing is important for every business. Because at the end of the day, promoting the brand requires website optimisation for visitors to find the site (ideally, on the first page of Google). Possessing a clearly defined SEO strategy can increase your marketing efforts and vice versa.