Major digital marketing myths you never get tired of debunking

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Did a black cat just leapt in front of you, then it’s a bad day! Did you swallow a chewing gum, it stays in your stomach for five to seven years! Have you heard about all these myths when you were young too? We believed it because we never had the resources back then to check; and we’ve heard it a lot that we thought it must’ve been true.

Though it may seem strange, a plethora of online marketing myths exist and you may have just believed them. Stick to us and read some of the most common digital myths debunked!

Marketing Is Too Expensive

The first thing to keep in mind is that marketing done right will always result in a huge return on investment. Most of the marketing specialists are trained and certified in running and handling ad campaigns. They might also be well-versed in the cleaning and restoration industry and have the knowledge to best target your ideal audience. They take the time to know your objectives and budget to develop a strategy customised to your business.

Backlinks alone will help you to rank better

Backlinks are always an integral part of SEO. A wisely built backlink profile remains to do wonders for the website. However, as businesses capitalised on indiscriminate link building and benefited from earning in-bound links in high volume, Google has taken measures to crack down on the trend. Even now we go on with the practice of buying links. The algorithm updates from google are focused at avoiding the abuses in the form of link building. Google is on a mission to do away with everything that stops a user from getting appropriate results. They take extreme measures to penalise and down rank websites that depend on these outdated practices. If not alert, you can even have your website deindexed in its entirety.

In the digital environment of today, Google actually penalises sites that perform these tactics, potentially even avoiding them from its index completely.

It needs a lot of money, hence, it is only for big businesses.

Digital marketing works for both big as well as small businesses. A large set up for customer engagement is never a requirement. The products can be sold globally without having a physical shop. Big businesses might invest in a team while small businesses may hire a digital marketing expert for their online presence or maybe do it by themselves.

Advertising And Marketing Are The Same

A lot of people use the terms “marketing” and “advertising” alike, but in fact they refer to completely different things.

Think of advertising as a step or tactic and marketing as the process within the larger process of marketing.

Every advertisement is part of marketing but not all marketing strategies will include advertising.

It’s Too Difficult and Requires Too Many Resources to Gather Online Reviews from Customers

Reviews are strong tools businesses can use to get a read on the requirements and expectations of clients, as well as enhance the whole customer engagement and satisfaction. With limited resources or experience, getting a handle on online reviews may be difficult for small businesses, but it’s absolutely important to your business’s success that you do.

SEO Is No Longer necessary

You always hear murmurings that search engine optimization (SEO) will no longer be important. The buzzes have become even more common through the rise of social media as a digital advertising platform.

It is just completely untrue. A wide majority of online experiences still initiate with a search engine, so optimising your content to grow your rank must always be one of your main priorities. You never want your website to be lost in the huge crowd of the greater internet, and the only way to do that is to invest in SEO.

The visitors will come, if you build your website.

A business develops a crafted and beautifully designed website, and when everything is up and running, they wait for the visitors to come rushing in. Unfortunately, after a few weeks or months of observing little to no traffic to their beautiful online storefront, they are left disappointed, thinking what went wrong. The truth of this issue is that opening an online outpost is just the first step in the process. Next comes hard work of actually finding out how to attract visitors to your website. This is where the art and science of learning how to market to your target audience becomes of extreme importance.

Digital advertising myths have been around since the beginning of the internet. As technology transforms and billions of people spend more and more time online, it will take more hard work to keep up with digital marketing innovations. Hence, always do your research and only utilise strategies that fit with your brand and your target audience.