What is Search Retargeting & How Does It Work?

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People spend a lot of time online so when an advertiser wants to get his message in front of those people online advertising makes a lot of sense. Display ads are a great way of getting that message across to potential prospects. But until recently advertisers faced the problem of trying to figure out which of the billions of websites their prospects were surfing, that is until retargeting technology.

In case you are wondering where these ads appear they can show up nearly anywhere on the internet including local blogs as well as top tier sites. Never before had the opportunity to get their ads on great sites like these while targeting an authentic audience who has shown an interest in their business. With retargeting technology you can get your business in front of those prospects who are actively looking for products and services you offer making your ads stand out against the hundreds of ads they see every day.

What is Search Retargeting?

Search retargeting is a marketing method that studies an individual’s user behaviour and online search history to develop personalised ads that get them to make a purchase or visit a company’s website. This is a type of pay-per-click strategy where rather than targeting random users, the marketer or company targets users who are particularly searching for the product, service, or solution they provide.

Search retargeting coincides with a user’s intent by exhibiting an attractive or custom-like ad for a product, service, or solution that they are searching for.

How does Search Retargeting Work?

Search retargeting works via a straightforward principle. A company searches for the most-used or most relevant keywords first and queries users’ input on search engines that fits their target service, product or solution. Next, it makes a list of all of these keywords and queries and develops personalised ads using these same keywords or queries. For example, a customer searches for mobile phone covers. You sell mobile phone covers and upon analysing the customer’s user history find that the customer intent matches the products (mobile phone covers) you have. Being alert of this user intent and interest, you develop an ad campaign that provides the customer the product they are searching for in a way that seems customised and personal to them. This direct targeting fits the customer’s intent and shows their interest in the product.

Purpose of Search Retargeting

People might not actually make a purchase on the first go even if customers show interest in your product or service. After the first trial to reach them through search retargeting, you must keep their awareness of your brand or company alive via site retargeting.


The focus of search retargeting is to take user engagement towards the brands or company’s products, services, or solutions. By displaying customers that you have the accurate product, service, or solution they require, you show them that you care about fulfilling their needs.

Increase in conversions

The basic goal of search retargeting is to influence the customer to purchase from your brand or company website. By working with sparking and developing their interest at the exact times, search retargeting focuses to develop a successful customer conversion, sale, and purchase.

How to measure your retargeting campaigns

Display ad networks like Facebook or Google Ads for Business offer you with an analytics dashboard from which you can handle campaign progress. Make sure to pay close attention to these metrics:

  • Impressions: The amount of time your display ads were served.
  • Click-through rate: The number of clicks your ads gained divided by the total number of impressions.
  • Cost-per-click: the total amount spent divided by the total number of clicks.
  • Visits: The amount of people who saw your ads, and then came to your site.
  • Click-through conversions: The number of people who clicked on an ad, visited your site and then made a purchase.

When you monitor these metrics, you may witness a need to adjust your bidding strategy.

Reach New Audiences with Search Retargeting
Search retargeting is the best method to increase brand awareness and bring more engagement and visitors to your site. It not just works, but consumers prefer this type of advertising to other display ads.